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  • Writer's pictureAkiri Heath-Adams

5 Reasons Workers Don’t Get Justice When They Are Unfairly Treated

Updated: Dec 24, 2022

Many workers face unfair treatment and do not receive the justice or vindication that they deserve.

Five of the main reasons workers sometimes fail to get justice (and 5 possible solutions):

1. Not knowing their rights.

Workers are sometimes unaware when their rights have been breached.

Solution- Legal Education. Workers should make it their responsibility to learn more about their rights. There are blogs, newspaper articles and government institutions that provide information on workers’ rights.

2. Lack of financial resources.

For many workers, especially if they have recently lost their jobs, legal fees can be a significant burden.

Solution- Seek advice and assistance anyway. Even if workers are in financial difficulties, they should still seek advice because there are many lawyers/industrial relations practitioners, trade unions and government institutions who provide advice and assistance to those who cannot afford.

3. Fear of going to court.

The thought of going to court is enough to scare away many people from pursuing their cases, even if they have strong ones.

Solution- Get a support system and learn more about the process. Eg. bring a friend when meeting your lawyer or going to court, ask your lawyer/representative questions about the process to remove doubts, etc. It is also important to note that if you have a strong case, there is a good chance that the matter may be settled out of court.

4. Thinking it is not worthwhile.

People often convince themselves not to pursue their matters because they do not think it would be worth the effort.

Solution- Seek advice about your likelihood of success and the likely compensation you may receive. There is no guarantee of success, but you can be advised if you have a good case and how much compensation it may be worth. If you are awarded compensation, this can kickstart the next chapter of your life and provide a sense of vindication.

5. Fear of employer/Sense of loyalty.

Many workers may be afraid of going up against employers they see as being powerful, or they may feel it is wrong to bring a case against someone they have known for a long time.

Solution- Be courageous. There is no need for any fear, especially if you have been advised that you have a good case. And even if you once had a good relationship with your employer, you should not feel guilty for defending your rights.

Workers must not be afraid to stand up for themselves if they believe they have been mistreated. By taking action, workers may directly gain vindication and compensation for themselves, but they will also contribute to improving the working culture as a whole. If workers are pushing to uphold standards of fairness, companies will be even more encouraged to treat workers fairly. With fairer working environments, workers will have the right conditions to thrive, ultimately delivering better results for companies. All parties stand to gain from ensuring that fairness and justice are hallmarks of the work environment.

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